Building a community of love+flowers+joy+creativity=Respect 4 life

This is my magical portal to the world. I present you with what is stirring in my soul. This is a place for you to come and open your heart and open your mind. Step inside.......................

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Arrigato - and the set list!

I hope I spelled that correctly....THANK all of the lovely spirits who PACKED paCKed pAckEDDDD the house this past Saturday night at Googie's Lounge, wowSERS! What a great show - and as I promised - I am posting the set list. I enjoyed the night so very much, and a special thanks to my friend and fellow singerpianosongstress, Cassandra Kubinski, with whom I shared the night. (check out her stuff ) AND another shout out of thanks to the wonderfully talented Eric Downs, who played Saxophone with me on the last 4 tunes of the night. That was truly FabuLumani$tic!!!

Special Happy Birthday to Nikki and her crew which continued the party sans Nikki, who was truly worn out. Hee hee.

For those of you who couldn't make it - I hope the Jewish, Irish, Italian, chinese, japanese, African, or whatever kinda GUILT is boiling up- so you gotta be at the next one - ha haha haah haah ahhaaaa!!! No really you missed some more magic...

See y'all at the next one, which is in the works, my people! MWAH!! and Happy hol-i-daze. Especially you Miss Louisa Bradshaw (aka Madame Champagne).

Set List for 11.22.08

1. Let It Ride
2. Some Kind of Escape
3. Love Hurricane
4. When It Rains *(new)
5. Butterflies & Samurai *(new)
6. FabuLumanNi$tic
7. Sublime
8. Flowers From The Field
9. Magikal Things Await You In Your Sleep!
10. (encore) Cherish

Saturday, November 15, 2008

New World Vision (Part Deux)!!!

I see a new world arising through the ashes of the falling bricks of old thoughts and old ideas and old manifestations.....that have been waiting for the right moment to come crumbling down down down. And that time is NOW.

We are here together NOW! Witnessing these miraculous healings and changes. Karmic retribution for all the wrongs that have been done to our brothers and our sisters.

Nothing is wrong with anything that is aligned harmoniously with what is REAL and TRUE. What is wrong are things full with Dis-ease that has been simmering, rooting itself, lodging itself like a virus, a fungus festering off the minds of the consciousness of humanity, and surfacing as greed, hatred and delusion. A cultural deliriousness, a deep dark sleep.

And amidst the ruins of this, many beautiful awakening beings are carrying the seeds of change in their stride, in the poetry of their souls, in their new ways of seeing how we can live differently than we have.

Less consumption. Take less. Waste less.



We have to be willing to look right into our own being, head straight into the target, The Lion's Roar - and find our own majesty. Then, with the power of the fruit of the flowering of our own being --- we become a beautiful fragrace, filling the world with the sacred scent of the perfume of our soul.

Imagine if every being were doing this on the planet - what would our world be like?!
Imagine every being on this planet living in the highest vibration of their being.
We are all here TOGETHER to live in the UNI-VERSE. ONE SONG.
Believe it to be possible. Believe in your own wondrousness. Believe and together we make it real for ALL of us. Not just for some. ALL OF US.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Butterflies & Samurai

Yep! That's right! Its the title to my newest song child. Its almost finished - late this eve. Its a song about perseverence and faith and magik - which I have in spades baby, in spades. And those qualities seem to be in short supply these days. So "Butterflies and Samurai" might just be a muse-ikal elixir for the times. Daresay "I" may be a Muse-ical Elixir for these times.

and PUH-LEESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!! lets not buy into the idea, the false beliefs that these are HARD TIMES. BULLSHIT. Live in the present moment. Be here fully in your body, in your being - RIGHT NOW!!! and embrace the FALLING away of old beliefs and the structures created by those falsehoods, and let them die, say goodbye, and return sky high, my lovely bud-dah-fly.

Monday, November 10, 2008

There's Always A First Time...

My next show is comin' up!!! Its my first time playing at Googie's Lounge (above the Living Room). Everyone liked this pic - so I used it again!

Saturday 11.22.08 at 8pm
154 Ludlow Btwn Stanton & Rivington
See you there!

Monday, October 27, 2008

When It Rains

Oh! I just wrote a new song today - called "When It Rains" - and it will be premiered at My Show at Googies lounge (upstairs at The Living Room) on Saturday November 22nd at 8pm!!!!!

I am just a little bit inspired. Its a real tear-jerker. Dont forget the kleenex.

kiss kiss.

A Beautiful Night!

A thousand thank you's to all the lovely people who shared the night with me last Tuesday at my Cutting Room Show. I was really feeling you and you were all really feelin' me - thanks for all the love, and positive vibrations. I think it was really my best show to date. Some of you might know & many do not.....that I premiered 4 new songs that night (Sublime, FabuLumani$tic, Love Hurricane & Magikal Things Await U in Your Sleep)!!!

It was video taped - so keep posted for some live footage- my first.

Here's my set list of the night:
1. Sublime
2. Let it Ride
3. Cherish
4. Into the Roar
5. FabuLumani$tic
6. Far Away
7. The Walls Of Jericho
8. A Drop In The Ocean
9. Some Kind Of Escape
10. Flowers From The Field
11. Love Hurricane
12. Magikal Things Await U in Your Sleep

Love you, my people! oh- and I just booked a new show - November 22nd, 8pm at Googies Lounge which is upstairs at The Living Room (NYC) - Stanton and Ludlow - the lower east side.
When I told my girl Kalae (who is an amazing neo-soul diva in the making - check her out on myspace).. about the show - she was like - wait The Cutting Room, The Living Room, the next one will be at The Bedroom!! She really cracked me up on that one. love ya Kalae!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I have obviously given birth to a new me

Well - I have been in a nine month or more cocoon so hey - I am reborn anew, songs anew, come to my show.

Time warps do exist!

Its true. Time warps are real. They are not just songs with funny dances from the '80s. I am telling you because from the looks of this blog - I WAS IN ONE!!!!!!!!

OMG- I am so over it all!!!!!!!!!!!!

You tube? I mean you too?!

Look my friends - its time for the real show to begin. For ALL of us to get together, believe in positive changes, make them, live them, be them.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Doing Nothing and The Natural World

I dont want to do anything. I am actually still doing things. Lately, I just want to be. Simply, be. Nurture myself - and melt into the world and do nothing. This is actually a real art. Its a real challenge to actually do completely nothing. Not in the slacker sense. In the Zen sense. I have not mastered this art. Yet.

I have decided that big cities, like NYC are unhealthy unnatural environments that should only be experienced in small bursts. Otherwise this really weird dis-ease develops. There are various symptoms. Anger arises from being sandwiched in between people on buses and subways. Shallow breathing develops from the poor air quality. hearing loss, itchiness - the list goes on.

There is also a rare dis-ease that develops in people who live here a long time and love it tooooo much. They start to think that its the only place that exists. That everything they need and want is right here, so why go anywhere else. Seems cool and self-realized - but its actually the opposite.

Things like mountains, rivers, trees, - the natural world - they are important. And living in this gray city in winter, I really miss them. The sky - I miss that too.