Building a community of love+flowers+joy+creativity=Respect 4 life

This is my magical portal to the world. I present you with what is stirring in my soul. This is a place for you to come and open your heart and open your mind. Step inside.......................

Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Ways Of Living

Lately I have been thinking about new ways of living. Considering ways to have a greater impact on the world as a creative spirit and a conscious human being. Contemplating how we all affect one another. Dreaming up ways to live with more magic, joy, and diversity. Meditating on how our simple presence has a powerful affect on each other. Our vibe, our thoughts, our speech, our actions - all create a landscape of our human presence.

So many people seem to me to feel like they are powerless, and are living without intention. Lately this thought has made me feel really sad. Life without love seems like death to me. I have experienced this death and I want to live more vibrantly. I want to live more simply. I want my life to be a beautiful tapestry, a fragrant fruitful garden, an inspirational song.

It seems to me that we need to return to conscious communal living. Anxiety, loneliness, depression, scarcity - so many issues would be resolved by returning to life amongst a loving tribe. Family can be the one we create.

I recently returned from Burning Man ( - it was my 4th burn! I met some amazing people there who have created Eco Villages - and was really inspired by this concept. I had the idea about it, and then was presented with a community of wonderful people who are actively focused on cultivating new worlds within this world! Check out

Many people are also going mobile. Taking their life on the road. Finding green ways to do it. Life is filled with unknown possibilites, and roads that can be created once imagined.

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