This time of year really pulls me into an even deeper sense of introspection. Its dark, cold and gray here in New York City. Its really getting to me too. I dont really like it at all. Some people love the cold, I think I am just much more of a tropical person. I need a Hawaiian holiday, a Bahamavention, a Carribean getaway!!!
Its a great time for making food and hanging out with friends and family, watching old classic movies. My favorite ones are the old Rudolph and Frosty animated movies. Everything is so sleek these days, ya know!
I keep craving spiced apple cider - I love the smell of it this time of year.
One thing that really comes up for me is on the topic of giving gifts. Its a big issue for a lot of people. That sense of being forced to give something because you "have to" - ugh! I think holidays are great reminders of how we should live our lives on a regular basis. Going out of our way every day to be generous and kind and grateful makes our everyday beautiful and lifts our hearts and elevates our spirits. I like to give people things when they aren't expecting them. Expectation is a terrible thing - when it comes to gifts. It just seems so greedy to me. Like there's an underlying lack of gratitude. I think we can all illuminate this world with our inner lights and shine them upon eachother as a daily practice.
Another HUGE topic that really cuts me to the bone is the concept of sudden casual religiospirituality. Like - we never spend time focused on this EXCEPT for on "Holy Days aka Holidays." Every day is a Holy Day - when you are ALIVE!
And what's up with Western culture, man. Its so focused on Stuff. Objects. Consuming. Please Please Please let this change, people. You cant take it with you when you die. We can all make this world a lot brighter by focusing on love and gratitude. Why not make something - actually create it yourself - and give those things as gifts instead of buying so much garbage. I am not against shopping - and I really love precious beautiful things - I just feel like our focus needs to be re-aligned with our spirits first, and the objects are secondary.
Which brings me to another topic - about how so many people are sad because this time of year reminds you of all the loved ones who have passed on this year, or how alone you might feel. That maybe your life is not exactly how you want it to be, and I completely empathize with you on that one. My life is so imperfectly perfect.
Its easy to get grumpy and grinchy and agitated in all kinds of ways. I noticed all of these thoughts coming up in me - and I just had to remind myself of all the magic and beauty and love and wonder and prosperity and beauty and creativity and health and friends and family - I DO have - and give thanks for that! And embrace the madness - and dive into it.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Late nights without bagels
I am up late wit' my buddy Nate. It cant be a crime when I'm flashin' my rhyme. Nate says I'm a sista, with a little bit o' hip hop soul. That's kinda funny - but, baby -Das' How Eye Roll.
Blame it on the Cacao, Blame it on the rain, Blame it the Mantra healing collection, 1st thought best thought, and the violet flame.
Oh! And check out Nate- he will rock you into submission and feed you bagels.
Blame it on the Cacao, Blame it on the rain, Blame it the Mantra healing collection, 1st thought best thought, and the violet flame.
Oh! And check out Nate- he will rock you into submission and feed you bagels.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Compassion In Action
I love animals. They are pure love and playfulness wrapped in a furry body. I am on a mission to help these suffering sweet beings. Please reach out and help. There are beautiful dogs and cats that desperately need loving homes - that have been abandoned on the beaches in Puerto Rico. Please look at the links - and help out by donating money for medical help, or adopt one of these fuzzy angels. They will love you for their whole life. The appreciation they will show you will open your heart and put a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Life And Death (in one breath)
Sometimes I feel like I am dying. Like I have never really lived. Like I am on my way out. Like I am gone. Like I am a leaf fallen from the tree - ready for a new existence. Swept by the winds - taken far from home. Filled with uncertainty. Swallowed whole.
Sometimes I feel So Alive!!! Unstoppable. Full-bodied vigor pulsating & swirling through my Soul-ar System. I see the beauty in everyone and everything. I want to breathe it all in. Deeply. And cherish the exquisite perfection of NOW. The uncontainable moment that holds this perfection. I want to scream out and share this with everyone. I want them to see what I see! To feel what I feel! To sense what I sense! To know this unknowable knowing.
"One realization, And thirty years to realize," said the zen master.
I lay my head down at your feet, the words you speak are more than words.
Yesterday is a haze, yet your wisdom still echoes beyond a decade.
Sometimes I feel So Alive!!! Unstoppable. Full-bodied vigor pulsating & swirling through my Soul-ar System. I see the beauty in everyone and everything. I want to breathe it all in. Deeply. And cherish the exquisite perfection of NOW. The uncontainable moment that holds this perfection. I want to scream out and share this with everyone. I want them to see what I see! To feel what I feel! To sense what I sense! To know this unknowable knowing.
"One realization, And thirty years to realize," said the zen master.
I lay my head down at your feet, the words you speak are more than words.
Yesterday is a haze, yet your wisdom still echoes beyond a decade.
Monday, October 29, 2007
***New World Vision***
I see us creating a new world. One built with intention. Villages designed with love for the earth. Groups united together to assist one another in living harmoniously and supporting eachother in living in our highest intention. Surrounded by nature. Working together with nature - understanding how we are all connected to eachother. Generating energy from the sun, the wind, the air, the earth.
I have visions I have kept held inside - till now. It is time for me to emerge and reveal from my clarity and my truth what I know. The world is in such a dark place at the moment. I have felt the heaviness of this time. I am here to bring you some light, so to speak.
If you are wondering how I can know anything - it is because I have spent my life staying connected. Not to the TV, or to who's the next this or that, or what I should wear (though I love music and fun shows AND fashion and magazines) - I just have always known whats real and whats important. I have kept my spirit intact. My life has not been perfect. Far from that. I am in no way perfect, and yet its all perfect!
I have watched people very closely. I see how easily we lose our way. How easily we forget our own majesty. We seek outside of ourselves for what is already within. Its like we are a computer, and we keep looking for a program, the perfect program - and its already loaded right there, in a location we didn't look.
Loving another person will add to your life. A lot. BUT it will not make you whole. It doesn't complete you (despite what all the movies say). You are already complete.
Gathering things, money, power - will never be permanent no matter how savvy or educated you are. What goes up must come down. And if your spirit is unprepared for the downside of the up - you will fall flat on your face. Ouch!
I am not discouraging HAVING. Please create, have what you want! Just dont grasp onto it. I have known many people who have lost everything in this physical world - and the one's who had nothing else - have nothing at all.
I see a world where each of us understands our interconnectedness. Our need for eachother. A world where we see that all of humanity is of one race. All of us on our own unique journey. All of us brothers and sisters.
I see a world filled with kindness. Generosity. Open-heartedness.
Think of a little child. Of the wonder in their eyes. Of the enthusiasm as they experience everything for the first time. Awe. awesome. A world that is awesome.
Hey, you are creating it toooooooooooo.
I have visions I have kept held inside - till now. It is time for me to emerge and reveal from my clarity and my truth what I know. The world is in such a dark place at the moment. I have felt the heaviness of this time. I am here to bring you some light, so to speak.
If you are wondering how I can know anything - it is because I have spent my life staying connected. Not to the TV, or to who's the next this or that, or what I should wear (though I love music and fun shows AND fashion and magazines) - I just have always known whats real and whats important. I have kept my spirit intact. My life has not been perfect. Far from that. I am in no way perfect, and yet its all perfect!
I have watched people very closely. I see how easily we lose our way. How easily we forget our own majesty. We seek outside of ourselves for what is already within. Its like we are a computer, and we keep looking for a program, the perfect program - and its already loaded right there, in a location we didn't look.
Loving another person will add to your life. A lot. BUT it will not make you whole. It doesn't complete you (despite what all the movies say). You are already complete.
Gathering things, money, power - will never be permanent no matter how savvy or educated you are. What goes up must come down. And if your spirit is unprepared for the downside of the up - you will fall flat on your face. Ouch!
I am not discouraging HAVING. Please create, have what you want! Just dont grasp onto it. I have known many people who have lost everything in this physical world - and the one's who had nothing else - have nothing at all.
I see a world where each of us understands our interconnectedness. Our need for eachother. A world where we see that all of humanity is of one race. All of us on our own unique journey. All of us brothers and sisters.
I see a world filled with kindness. Generosity. Open-heartedness.
Think of a little child. Of the wonder in their eyes. Of the enthusiasm as they experience everything for the first time. Awe. awesome. A world that is awesome.
Hey, you are creating it toooooooooooo.
Friday, October 26, 2007
We have to be willing to dive in and speak out and stand up and be seen. We - who understand, and carry with us the seeds of the next generation - we MUST be willing to cultivate a new world.
I am sure that you know what I mean if you know what I mean.
Those of us who were born "getting it" - and can't stand what is looming over our world right now. This dark cloud will go away through our love, and our songs, and our kindness and our understanding, and our simplicity, and our compassion, and our togetherness, and our care for eachother, and all living beings.
And until you can stand alone on your own two feet - you cannot know what togetherness really means.
Not hiding behind so you can agree.
We need eachother. All of us children brothers sisters mothers fathers friends lovers husbands wives.
i can only see us united. i can only see us as being the same. I can only know us as being branches of one tree.
Don't you remember - WE ARE THE WORLD
You can make a difference everyday......
There is enough for everyone. There IS ENOUGH for EVERYONE!!!!!
Give everything you can to others. Be kind to everyone. We are ALL Royal. Be willing to not know. No one is right. There are as many ways to do something as there are minds as there are people. Give a loving Hug to someone. Say kind words to others. Share your money, your food, your possessions, your ideas, your time. Do it out of love. Do it for free. Be inventive. Do it a new way!
Be kind. Be honest. Live by your word. Be there. Be here - NOW.
Make a new friend. Pet an animal, hold a child, smell a flower, plant a tree, Plant the seeds of consciousness in your own being.
Give it all. Stop worrying about what you are getting back.
and remember that I love you.
I am sure that you know what I mean if you know what I mean.
Those of us who were born "getting it" - and can't stand what is looming over our world right now. This dark cloud will go away through our love, and our songs, and our kindness and our understanding, and our simplicity, and our compassion, and our togetherness, and our care for eachother, and all living beings.
And until you can stand alone on your own two feet - you cannot know what togetherness really means.
Not hiding behind so you can agree.
We need eachother. All of us children brothers sisters mothers fathers friends lovers husbands wives.
i can only see us united. i can only see us as being the same. I can only know us as being branches of one tree.
Don't you remember - WE ARE THE WORLD
You can make a difference everyday......
There is enough for everyone. There IS ENOUGH for EVERYONE!!!!!
Give everything you can to others. Be kind to everyone. We are ALL Royal. Be willing to not know. No one is right. There are as many ways to do something as there are minds as there are people. Give a loving Hug to someone. Say kind words to others. Share your money, your food, your possessions, your ideas, your time. Do it out of love. Do it for free. Be inventive. Do it a new way!
Be kind. Be honest. Live by your word. Be there. Be here - NOW.
Make a new friend. Pet an animal, hold a child, smell a flower, plant a tree, Plant the seeds of consciousness in your own being.
Give it all. Stop worrying about what you are getting back.
and remember that I love you.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Musical Inspiration
I have been getting a lot of emails, and inquiries after performances about where my musical inspiration comes from. To begin, thank you for asking! It feels so wonderful that people care, and are touched by the music.
I think this is a huge topic - one that could fill a whole book - so I will comment on this one on an ongoing practice - till I am left with nothing else to express on the matter. And feel free to email questions for me to answer.
In the process of writing a song - I usually have no idea what I am writing about. I also paint, and this is the same way that I start a painting. I am guided by many things...Overwhelming emotion, is one-so lets start there.
When something has happened in my life that I feel with intense emotion, it wells up in me, and I find that pouring it into music is a beautiful way to express it. I have intentions that I live by as part of my personal spiritual practice that color my viewpoint. These intentions help me to create music (and art) that aims to uplift and inspire.
Listening to what seems to be "out there" these days -(there is so much anger and negativity in music, with no real kindness or resolution for something more) I really wish more artists would step up to their own greatness, and help others to do the same.
I have known people from every possible upbringing - and I can tell you, it certainly seems that the human spirit can overcome anything - and achieve anything. So I think its a cheap lie to use an excuse of poverty, or living in ignorance as the reason for all this ugliness. You have only to reach back in time, and you will find numerous examples of great people who have come from very little.
So what I am saying is that our INTENTION - creates our reality/results - in whatever we are endeavoring to create.
When I write, I start from the place I am in at the moment. My humanity. My troubles, and fears, and doubts, and concerns - and I hope that the song will lead me to a place of realization, release, and perhaps an answer. I intend to give a gift to the listener. An offering - that requires me to drop my "self" or "ego" - and reach into the universal consciousness.
I recommend silence, stillness, meditation, raw vegan living, simplifying your life - in order to attain these things. They have other benefits as well. More later on those.
And please be aware that this is an ongoing practice, a craft. Its not about getting somewhere, or achieving something. You can achieve anything - but great songwriting, and artistry has a much different focus. A higher purpose. A deeper reality in your living being.
I just want to say, that as an artist, To other aspiring and currently creating artists - we are designed to be ultra-sensitive. To feel and hear and sense and smell and taste and know things in a very heightened way - that most people like to belittle when you are "ordinary" and praise when you are "celestial" aka a "star." Be kind to yourselves. This world doesn't yet understand. But you do. And you are not alone. Trust your inner knowing. And create community with others who resonate at the same frequency. And hey, I love ya!
Oh - and we are all "stars"
I think this is a huge topic - one that could fill a whole book - so I will comment on this one on an ongoing practice - till I am left with nothing else to express on the matter. And feel free to email questions for me to answer.
In the process of writing a song - I usually have no idea what I am writing about. I also paint, and this is the same way that I start a painting. I am guided by many things...Overwhelming emotion, is one-so lets start there.
When something has happened in my life that I feel with intense emotion, it wells up in me, and I find that pouring it into music is a beautiful way to express it. I have intentions that I live by as part of my personal spiritual practice that color my viewpoint. These intentions help me to create music (and art) that aims to uplift and inspire.
Listening to what seems to be "out there" these days -(there is so much anger and negativity in music, with no real kindness or resolution for something more) I really wish more artists would step up to their own greatness, and help others to do the same.
I have known people from every possible upbringing - and I can tell you, it certainly seems that the human spirit can overcome anything - and achieve anything. So I think its a cheap lie to use an excuse of poverty, or living in ignorance as the reason for all this ugliness. You have only to reach back in time, and you will find numerous examples of great people who have come from very little.
So what I am saying is that our INTENTION - creates our reality/results - in whatever we are endeavoring to create.
When I write, I start from the place I am in at the moment. My humanity. My troubles, and fears, and doubts, and concerns - and I hope that the song will lead me to a place of realization, release, and perhaps an answer. I intend to give a gift to the listener. An offering - that requires me to drop my "self" or "ego" - and reach into the universal consciousness.
I recommend silence, stillness, meditation, raw vegan living, simplifying your life - in order to attain these things. They have other benefits as well. More later on those.
And please be aware that this is an ongoing practice, a craft. Its not about getting somewhere, or achieving something. You can achieve anything - but great songwriting, and artistry has a much different focus. A higher purpose. A deeper reality in your living being.
I just want to say, that as an artist, To other aspiring and currently creating artists - we are designed to be ultra-sensitive. To feel and hear and sense and smell and taste and know things in a very heightened way - that most people like to belittle when you are "ordinary" and praise when you are "celestial" aka a "star." Be kind to yourselves. This world doesn't yet understand. But you do. And you are not alone. Trust your inner knowing. And create community with others who resonate at the same frequency. And hey, I love ya!
Oh - and we are all "stars"
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Juice O' The Day
Hey! What if instead of ice-cream trucks that feed our friends/kids/neighbors/family crap made from sugar and puss and blood(uh, really its true - go read about whats really in your milk and you'll turn vegan in the blink of an eye) - what if we had Juice Mobiles! I thought of it earlier this summer, and so did this adorable girl - (cant remember her name) - and she was out in McCarren Park with her truck today - juicing away. I told her that I was so grateful, that I really live on juice, and wondered what they would do in the winter. She said they were gonna hang their hats. I suggested going south to Miami. Everyone needs fresh juice. So here's the recipe I learned today -its fabuloso - juice away, and think of moi!
I dont know the proportions - so I will make 'em up...
Oh and organic fruit is always better!
Sunday Creamsicle Delight
for 12 oz cup
1 - 1.5 Pear(s)
1-2 red apples
handful of skinned/seeded cantaloupe
1/2 to 1 lemon (skinned)
1/2 inch-1 inch of ginger
Juice away and drink up the goodness.
lots of love to you
ps - I found her link
I dont know the proportions - so I will make 'em up...
Oh and organic fruit is always better!
Sunday Creamsicle Delight
for 12 oz cup
1 - 1.5 Pear(s)
1-2 red apples
handful of skinned/seeded cantaloupe
1/2 to 1 lemon (skinned)
1/2 inch-1 inch of ginger
Juice away and drink up the goodness.
lots of love to you
ps - I found her link
We rocked this town!
The show was freakin' awesome tonight. Thanks to everyone who came out....and for the rest of you procrastinators - get up off your couches! You are missing out on living breathing musical creative spiritual inspiration! Stop dreaming and start living!
I sang 2 new songs - "Far Away" and "Flowers From the Field"
OPEN was so tight!! Louisa Bradshaw is such an amazing performer. I felt such a huge release dancing and shaking my head and singing along to her fabulous punk-rockish music. check her out:
One of my new favorite artists and friends came out to see us tonight. She's in a word - amazing - check her out Mi Armstrong :
I sang 2 new songs - "Far Away" and "Flowers From the Field"
OPEN was so tight!! Louisa Bradshaw is such an amazing performer. I felt such a huge release dancing and shaking my head and singing along to her fabulous punk-rockish music. check her out:
One of my new favorite artists and friends came out to see us tonight. She's in a word - amazing - check her out Mi Armstrong :
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Get up off the couch and come to my show!
I have a show comin'up this weekend in Williamsburg. That's in Brooklyn, NYC!
You know what! Get up off your couch, turn off the TV - and get on over to Pete's Candy Store. My music is the candy. Its Sunday October 21st @ 8pm. You can go to for more info/directions. AND this is a double feature show - with O.P.E.N playing right after moi! It would be so nice to see all of you. Dont hide behind your laptops. Show me the love.
You know what! Get up off your couch, turn off the TV - and get on over to Pete's Candy Store. My music is the candy. Its Sunday October 21st @ 8pm. You can go to for more info/directions. AND this is a double feature show - with O.P.E.N playing right after moi! It would be so nice to see all of you. Dont hide behind your laptops. Show me the love.

Monday, September 24, 2007
Creating Space
Solitude is really important to me. Silence. Stillness. Living in NYC can be such a challenge. I think our modern lives can really take us away from what is truly important = Being.
Take some time out of your day to just be.
I know the whole "there's so much to do" story we all hear and speak.
Without presence, being present, we miss our life.
Without emptiness we can not know our fullness.
Life breathes better with crystalline clarity.
Take some time out of your day to just be.
I know the whole "there's so much to do" story we all hear and speak.
Without presence, being present, we miss our life.
Without emptiness we can not know our fullness.
Life breathes better with crystalline clarity.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Juicing Is The Key
Everyone needs to live juicy! Fresh living foods make you a fresh living vibrant human! I eat mostly Organic, Raw, Vegan foods. I have found fresh veggie juice to be the key to life. Here's todays recipe, and one I really live for (and on!!!)
Green Limonada
2-3 green apples
4-6 stalks of celery
Bunch of parsley
1-2 lemons, skinned
1 inch ginger
handful of kale or spinach, or both!!!!
Drink this everyday and you will radiate joy, vitality, and your skin will be perfect!
(I usually have 2-4 glasses a day)
Green Limonada
2-3 green apples
4-6 stalks of celery
Bunch of parsley
1-2 lemons, skinned
1 inch ginger
handful of kale or spinach, or both!!!!
Drink this everyday and you will radiate joy, vitality, and your skin will be perfect!
(I usually have 2-4 glasses a day)
New Ways Of Living
Lately I have been thinking about new ways of living. Considering ways to have a greater impact on the world as a creative spirit and a conscious human being. Contemplating how we all affect one another. Dreaming up ways to live with more magic, joy, and diversity. Meditating on how our simple presence has a powerful affect on each other. Our vibe, our thoughts, our speech, our actions - all create a landscape of our human presence.
So many people seem to me to feel like they are powerless, and are living without intention. Lately this thought has made me feel really sad. Life without love seems like death to me. I have experienced this death and I want to live more vibrantly. I want to live more simply. I want my life to be a beautiful tapestry, a fragrant fruitful garden, an inspirational song.
It seems to me that we need to return to conscious communal living. Anxiety, loneliness, depression, scarcity - so many issues would be resolved by returning to life amongst a loving tribe. Family can be the one we create.
I recently returned from Burning Man ( - it was my 4th burn! I met some amazing people there who have created Eco Villages - and was really inspired by this concept. I had the idea about it, and then was presented with a community of wonderful people who are actively focused on cultivating new worlds within this world! Check out
Many people are also going mobile. Taking their life on the road. Finding green ways to do it. Life is filled with unknown possibilites, and roads that can be created once imagined.
So many people seem to me to feel like they are powerless, and are living without intention. Lately this thought has made me feel really sad. Life without love seems like death to me. I have experienced this death and I want to live more vibrantly. I want to live more simply. I want my life to be a beautiful tapestry, a fragrant fruitful garden, an inspirational song.
It seems to me that we need to return to conscious communal living. Anxiety, loneliness, depression, scarcity - so many issues would be resolved by returning to life amongst a loving tribe. Family can be the one we create.
I recently returned from Burning Man ( - it was my 4th burn! I met some amazing people there who have created Eco Villages - and was really inspired by this concept. I had the idea about it, and then was presented with a community of wonderful people who are actively focused on cultivating new worlds within this world! Check out
Many people are also going mobile. Taking their life on the road. Finding green ways to do it. Life is filled with unknown possibilites, and roads that can be created once imagined.
Monday, July 16, 2007
All You Need Is Love......
A few nights ago a my friend and I went to see Amma, an Indian saint who is like the divine mother. ( - She is the embodiment of love, and is known for hugging people and blessing them. It was a friday night in NYC and the line to get into the Manhattan Center was like 3 blocks long - he and I were super hungry, so we went across the street to get some food, and while waiting on line, there was a 20-something boy (looked either Indian or Pakastani) standing behind us with a really cool tattoo on his arm. So my friend asked him kindly if he could see it. It was an OM symbol and the words in english "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" - so we excitedly asked him if he was going to see Amma - and looking bewildered he responded that he didnt know what was across the street. So when we told him about this Indian Saint who was blessing people he responded vehemently, "Oh, that's a load of crap!^&*!"
Standing there in shock, especially given the tattoo, my friend gently responded, "Oh, I guess its just lyrics from a song, huh!"
All I could say was - there was a moment for friendship and kindness and this kid was just a snot who was wearing the t-shirt, yet hasn't got a clue about the real deal. Wake up people!!!
Standing there in shock, especially given the tattoo, my friend gently responded, "Oh, I guess its just lyrics from a song, huh!"
All I could say was - there was a moment for friendship and kindness and this kid was just a snot who was wearing the t-shirt, yet hasn't got a clue about the real deal. Wake up people!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Recipe of the day - Mango salsa dee-lite!!!
Summertime - wahoooo!
Today its Mango Salsa Wednesday:
Here's the recipe:
1 ripe 'n juicy mango - diced
1 ripe avocado - sliced 'n diced
1 delicious tomato - chopped
1/2 a red onion - chopped supafine
handful of fresh mint leaves - minced
dash o' celtic sea salt or himalayan pink crystal salt
pinch o' cayenne
some black peppa
dash of super high quality extra virgin olive oil
and a whole lotta love stirred in while singing a brand new tune!
and you can:
eat on top of a fresh salad
eat with celery sticks, carrots, cucumbers
or right out of the bowl
or with flaxsnax! (say that three times straight)
ps- its so amazing you might want to make double the amount!
Love ya,
Today its Mango Salsa Wednesday:
Here's the recipe:
1 ripe 'n juicy mango - diced
1 ripe avocado - sliced 'n diced
1 delicious tomato - chopped
1/2 a red onion - chopped supafine
handful of fresh mint leaves - minced
dash o' celtic sea salt or himalayan pink crystal salt
pinch o' cayenne
some black peppa
dash of super high quality extra virgin olive oil
and a whole lotta love stirred in while singing a brand new tune!
and you can:
eat on top of a fresh salad
eat with celery sticks, carrots, cucumbers
or right out of the bowl
or with flaxsnax! (say that three times straight)
ps- its so amazing you might want to make double the amount!
Love ya,
Tommorow Night!!! Pete's Candy Store!!!
Tomorrow I am performing at Pete's Candy Store in Williamsburg - Brooklyn - NY. Its my 1st show at this really cool place. It's got such a great vibe. I am really looking forward to sharing my new songs with all my peeps. I took the past year off from playing out consistently - to write and record. To transform my music and my voice. Its been an amazing and intense journey - I guess that could be said of my whole life!!!
As an artist -(a songwriter) I really feel like I have grown into myself. Into my voice. These days it seems like everyone wants to be such a copycat of the one cool thing they see/hear/experience. American culture is so infused with branding and the stripmallifiacation of our society that people are afraid of what they haven't heard about on TV.
People are constantly telling me to go on American Idol - and I am truly offended!!! (and I dont get offended by stuff easily). Come on! My musical hero's would never have done that in their time. America has become completely obsessed with the quick fix and the "overnight success" - which is a completely unnatural phenomenon. I always think that if we look to the natural world we can find all the solutions to our "problems." And in nature - plants, animals, & people grow at a relatively gentle pace.
The whole world seems so fast paced and slick that anything that appears to be less than that is discredited. Including friendships and relationships. Honestly - I want to know how many people actually take pride in being a good friend. In being a really honest genuine human. Forget money, fancy clothes, cars, jewelry and all that stuff, I value friendship above all of that.
As an artist -(a songwriter) I really feel like I have grown into myself. Into my voice. These days it seems like everyone wants to be such a copycat of the one cool thing they see/hear/experience. American culture is so infused with branding and the stripmallifiacation of our society that people are afraid of what they haven't heard about on TV.
People are constantly telling me to go on American Idol - and I am truly offended!!! (and I dont get offended by stuff easily). Come on! My musical hero's would never have done that in their time. America has become completely obsessed with the quick fix and the "overnight success" - which is a completely unnatural phenomenon. I always think that if we look to the natural world we can find all the solutions to our "problems." And in nature - plants, animals, & people grow at a relatively gentle pace.
The whole world seems so fast paced and slick that anything that appears to be less than that is discredited. Including friendships and relationships. Honestly - I want to know how many people actually take pride in being a good friend. In being a really honest genuine human. Forget money, fancy clothes, cars, jewelry and all that stuff, I value friendship above all of that.
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