Building a community of love+flowers+joy+creativity=Respect 4 life

This is my magical portal to the world. I present you with what is stirring in my soul. This is a place for you to come and open your heart and open your mind. Step inside.......................

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Juicing Is The Key

Everyone needs to live juicy! Fresh living foods make you a fresh living vibrant human! I eat mostly Organic, Raw, Vegan foods. I have found fresh veggie juice to be the key to life. Here's todays recipe, and one I really live for (and on!!!)

Green Limonada
2-3 green apples
4-6 stalks of celery
Bunch of parsley
1-2 lemons, skinned
1 inch ginger
handful of kale or spinach, or both!!!!

Drink this everyday and you will radiate joy, vitality, and your skin will be perfect!
(I usually have 2-4 glasses a day)

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