Building a community of love+flowers+joy+creativity=Respect 4 life

This is my magical portal to the world. I present you with what is stirring in my soul. This is a place for you to come and open your heart and open your mind. Step inside.......................

Friday, October 26, 2007


We have to be willing to dive in and speak out and stand up and be seen. We - who understand, and carry with us the seeds of the next generation - we MUST be willing to cultivate a new world.

I am sure that you know what I mean if you know what I mean.

Those of us who were born "getting it" - and can't stand what is looming over our world right now. This dark cloud will go away through our love, and our songs, and our kindness and our understanding, and our simplicity, and our compassion, and our togetherness, and our care for eachother, and all living beings.

And until you can stand alone on your own two feet - you cannot know what togetherness really means.

Not hiding behind so you can agree.

We need eachother. All of us children brothers sisters mothers fathers friends lovers husbands wives.

i can only see us united. i can only see us as being the same. I can only know us as being branches of one tree.


Don't you remember - WE ARE THE WORLD

You can make a difference everyday......

There is enough for everyone. There IS ENOUGH for EVERYONE!!!!!

Give everything you can to others. Be kind to everyone. We are ALL Royal. Be willing to not know. No one is right. There are as many ways to do something as there are minds as there are people. Give a loving Hug to someone. Say kind words to others. Share your money, your food, your possessions, your ideas, your time. Do it out of love. Do it for free. Be inventive. Do it a new way!

Be kind. Be honest. Live by your word. Be there. Be here - NOW.

Make a new friend. Pet an animal, hold a child, smell a flower, plant a tree, Plant the seeds of consciousness in your own being.

Give it all. Stop worrying about what you are getting back.

and remember that I love you.

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