Building a community of love+flowers+joy+creativity=Respect 4 life

This is my magical portal to the world. I present you with what is stirring in my soul. This is a place for you to come and open your heart and open your mind. Step inside.......................

Monday, July 16, 2007

All You Need Is Love......

A few nights ago a my friend and I went to see Amma, an Indian saint who is like the divine mother. ( - She is the embodiment of love, and is known for hugging people and blessing them. It was a friday night in NYC and the line to get into the Manhattan Center was like 3 blocks long - he and I were super hungry, so we went across the street to get some food, and while waiting on line, there was a 20-something boy (looked either Indian or Pakastani) standing behind us with a really cool tattoo on his arm. So my friend asked him kindly if he could see it. It was an OM symbol and the words in english "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" - so we excitedly asked him if he was going to see Amma - and looking bewildered he responded that he didnt know what was across the street. So when we told him about this Indian Saint who was blessing people he responded vehemently, "Oh, that's a load of crap!^&*!"
Standing there in shock, especially given the tattoo, my friend gently responded, "Oh, I guess its just lyrics from a song, huh!"
All I could say was - there was a moment for friendship and kindness and this kid was just a snot who was wearing the t-shirt, yet hasn't got a clue about the real deal. Wake up people!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Recipe of the day - Mango salsa dee-lite!!!

Summertime - wahoooo!
Today its Mango Salsa Wednesday:
Here's the recipe:

1 ripe 'n juicy mango - diced
1 ripe avocado - sliced 'n diced
1 delicious tomato - chopped
1/2 a red onion - chopped supafine
handful of fresh mint leaves - minced
dash o' celtic sea salt or himalayan pink crystal salt
pinch o' cayenne
some black peppa
dash of super high quality extra virgin olive oil
and a whole lotta love stirred in while singing a brand new tune!

and you can:
eat on top of a fresh salad
eat with celery sticks, carrots, cucumbers
or right out of the bowl
or with flaxsnax! (say that three times straight)

ps- its so amazing you might want to make double the amount!
Love ya,

Tommorow Night!!! Pete's Candy Store!!!

Tomorrow I am performing at Pete's Candy Store in Williamsburg - Brooklyn - NY. Its my 1st show at this really cool place. It's got such a great vibe. I am really looking forward to sharing my new songs with all my peeps. I took the past year off from playing out consistently - to write and record. To transform my music and my voice. Its been an amazing and intense journey - I guess that could be said of my whole life!!!
As an artist -(a songwriter) I really feel like I have grown into myself. Into my voice. These days it seems like everyone wants to be such a copycat of the one cool thing they see/hear/experience. American culture is so infused with branding and the stripmallifiacation of our society that people are afraid of what they haven't heard about on TV.
People are constantly telling me to go on American Idol - and I am truly offended!!! (and I dont get offended by stuff easily). Come on! My musical hero's would never have done that in their time. America has become completely obsessed with the quick fix and the "overnight success" - which is a completely unnatural phenomenon. I always think that if we look to the natural world we can find all the solutions to our "problems." And in nature - plants, animals, & people grow at a relatively gentle pace.
The whole world seems so fast paced and slick that anything that appears to be less than that is discredited. Including friendships and relationships. Honestly - I want to know how many people actually take pride in being a good friend. In being a really honest genuine human. Forget money, fancy clothes, cars, jewelry and all that stuff, I value friendship above all of that.